An audio resource from Nicolette Macleod for WIG IV - ONLINE

When we realised that WIG would need to go online, we, the ICEBERG team had a conversation around different online workshop formats. During lockdown Nicolette had been asked to create the sound design for an audio class led by Aya Kobayashi for Barrowland Ballet and so enjoyed this process that she decided to do one for WIG IV - ONLINE. Nicolette was keen to offer something that wasn't screen based and could potentially been done outside if that option is available to people. So if you fancy it...You can access the class on Nicolette's website here.

An audio led session with sound design, composition and prompts. You will be invited to explore improvised movement and sound, starting with a gentle physical warm up. If you have comfortable headphones or decent speakers please use them as this will enhance your listening experience.

The session will invite participants to give time to listening and responding with the body. This work is informed by Nicolette’s interest in natural sounds and environments, found objects, sound-design and the voice.

A number of the tracks Nicolette used are from her existing body of composition.

Singing Architectures - A solo site specific improvisation project. You can read more about in the dedicated journal entry and see the video that goes with the track.

Heritage - A play by Nicola McCartney. Nicolette was commissioned to compose the sound track for last year at Pitlochry Festival Theatre.