Poetic Choreography

WIG IV - ONLINE Workshop - 25th July 2.00 - 3.30pm

Playing with the boundaries between language and movement, this workshop will offer the opportunity for participants to explore the interconnectedness of movement and poetry in improvisation. Through solo improvisation tasks, participants will be encouraged to reconsider the ways they speak, listen and move.
This session will involve a pre-recorded ‘instructions’ file (audio) which will be provided to all participants in advance. Participants will work in duets (breakout rooms in Zoom), but will not need to directly engage with the screen - the duet will consist of a ‘doer’ and a ‘witness’. In between tasks and exercises, there will be reflections involving the whole group. More information on the structure of this workshop will be provided in the beginning of the session.

The content of this workshop is underpinned by Zoe Katsilerou’s ongoing research on relationships between voice/language and choreography, and of her experience as a voice coach, singer and dancer. This practice is accessible to all as it encourages personal investigation of qualities of improvisation, curiosity and gentleness.

To book tickets send an email to Zoe at: icebergimprovisation@gmail.com

Participants are invited to contribute a minimum of £3/£5 per workshop. If you wish to participate and are unable to financially contribute, please email Zoe. Registration will close on Monday 13th July, 5pm. Workshops are limited to 28 participants, so please ensure that you book your place promptly.

This event is partially subsidised thanks to Creative Scotland.